Wednesday, June 20, 2007

so...lets see whats new with my life so far...

So. let's start at the beginning.
im sitting in my house on the last day of school in my bathing suit. It's 3:20 in the afternoon. My two favorite girls just fell asleep on my couch.
We were going to go for a bike ride, but i guess thats not going to happen now.
-My dog is being unbearable. (he was sick yesterday, so now i guess hes making up for being so good..)
-im tired
-im feeling quite lonely.
-as i said b4.. they fell asleep.
So, im wasting some time doing things i wasn't allowed to do when i was supposed to be studing for finals.
did i mention i dont have school anymore?
Did i ALSO mention i dumped a guy that was really nice?.. and.. good to me?
yeah.. theres somehting wrong with my brain.
but the thin is, i dont like having a boyfriend.
tied down.. i really dont like it.
but i think, if that one guy i have my eye on, asked me.. then id say yes.
bc i think it would be different with him.
hes really cute too.. (did i mention that yet?)
So i met him this year, but we never really talked until the end of the year. Which is sort of sad, but hes funny, and hes... really REALLY cute, and hes just my size
(not that being any other size was just saying)
so yeah.. he almost came over today too... but he couldnt :-(
i hope we get to hang out though, and i hope he doesnt ignore me or anything.
oh god... what a guy..
i dont know if i should wake them up.. or if i should just wander off and do my own thing...
i cant believe they fell asleep.
i hate how my summer is all fille dup already.. ALREADY!
tomorrow im going to the beach with maureen and my mom and my sister and stef, and some cousins.. then friday im going down to the boat until maybe sunday..
and then hopefully Sunday i can come home early enough to go paintbrawling with maureeny and michelle..
(although im probably going to just speculate)
At the end of the month is the field hockey camp, and then allies bbq party.. and then july i have other stuff..
im never going to be home on weekends..
im always going to be on the boat.. not thta its a bad thing realy, bc i loe lavalette more than OB, but ill wanna hang with people from school.
aka.. cutie.
actually, hes more than cute, he's like.. abnormally amazingly hot.
if that is even possible.
(hes myspace pics aren't as good as the real thing)
ohh. somebodies got it badddddd.
too bad he doesnt like me enough.
well, i might as well check on the pooch and make sure he hasnt done any more damage to the house..
just to be annoying.
maybe someone will actually read this...
ciao bella