Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bingo anyone?

hey people, so this is how im going to type from now on, or till i get tired of it....
so.. in 5 days its christmas and i cant wait.. bc i love it to death...
my teacher just gave out this bingo thing (in microfts) weird huh?..
and im gunna go play bingo on

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

im here to SAVE the world

well now since im in a dandy mood and i just discovered that i can type this baby in webdings.. have fun uncovering my blog :-)

Hi guys. i just realized that everytime i forget what im saying i haveto earase everything i wrote bc its not ini english.. i guess it pays to .. idk.. im bored...Im in microsoft "suite" 2 and im quite bored.. the teacher just handed out a "thanksgiiving" word search and i thought o yself.. wow this has NOTHING to do with computers.. except for the point that it was made on one. Its got this turkey on it(duh), and when i looked at it i remebered that during turkey day, i always make the gobble bgobble noise for my sister. i dont think i have yet. so i guess ill save it for the real turkey day.. (which is about, tomorrow)..
Boy, i cant wait for Christmas..
(dont yell at me if a lot of words are spelt wrong bc its... wait the teacher just said somethign a i forgot what i said. ...ok i just checked.. i was saying that you cant yell at me because a lot of words are spelt worng and its like im not reading or im blind and cant see what im typing.. (just from memory kinda thing and as my sister kows.. my memory cisnt good some times.. lol
silly me
dont even get me started with my dictionary.. lol
i havent "blogged" in such a long time and its weird/..

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


sorry for the long time between now and the last time i "blogged"..
i forgot my password and my username..
in microsoft again.. but this time in 10th grad einstead of 9th
not in the mood to type
oh btw.. this is my background..(nicole)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


people are so annoying. i hate when they make stupid noises in the background..
its hard enough getting up in front of the class.. i dont need stupid guys in the background making fun of what my favorite things are.. sure they might be a little stupid.. but thats me..
i hate people...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Friday, April 21, 2006

ahh living life so safe, it kills you..

so yesterday i stayed home because i had severe cramps... yes yes.. get over it...
anyway.. so i stayed home, which, BTW, i rarely ever do .. acually that was the first the whole year/...
(arent i a good little girll....)
AnYwAy... sooo
i stayed home and of course the madre had to call in and say i was sick..
she called and said that i was sick and the lady on the other line says, "is she really sick??"
isnt that a little weird for the attendance lady top ask that question?
what was my mom gunna say?...
"uh no im just lying.. shes acually smoking some pot right now in our attic... you can come join us if you want.."
yea ok loser..
then while i was drifting off to sleep.. i remebered that one of the "stupid" kids in my math class mentioned that that day was , "National Pot Day"
oh my god.. how lame is that
anyway i wondered if that was the reason the lady asked my mom that then i told my mom... and i was like.. yea they said that if anyone stays home that day, they'll haveto get drug-tested....
i wasx like..." ma, im not getting drug tested!"
so i made her write a note just incase anyone did call me down to the nurse..
(just to be safe)
im not one to pee in a cup.. sorry.. its just not my thing...
anyway.. nothing happened.. im sitting here typing this.. drug-free ...and drug-tested free
i hate high school

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ahh...the wonders of school

im in microsoft.. and im sitting here bc i have gottan my work done b4 the end of class..(again)
and im just thinking about everything thats going on..
i hate school.. and i want to go home but i dont want to bc i noe im probably justy gunna get into an arguement with the madre..
what fun that is.
this time its no tv for a week.. (again)
so dylan weighs 24 lbs. now and hes getting big.
idk want him to get bigger bc then i cant pick him up..
i like being able to pick him up
but he seriously needs to stop teething..
my sisters bday is in 3 DAYS!!
shes gunna be 21 and then shes gunna be able to drinlk
and i cant
especailly when we go to virginia for 4th of july.. all my cousins are older then me and shes going to be drinking also..
ill be the only one who cant drink .. well except for Brian.. (who just turned 2..(so im not counting him)
yes so thanks nicole..
and happy birthday
(her bloggy thingy is:
comment her or something saying happy b day on saturday..
i <3>

Thursday, March 16, 2006

the nameless sleepyhead has a name!!

ok so his name is........DYLAN!!!
yes yes this wonderful little bouncy soft puppies name is dylan tango
adorable little thing..
you should see him
hes 10/11 weeks old now and he grew a little bit..
hes a boxer and they said hes gunna be like 70 lbs. when hes an adult.
so anyway... he loves to chase his tail
and he is the biggest lapdog you'll ever meet
its amazing
i sure hope he grows out of it by the time he's an adult bc hes gunna be One Big
ok thats all for now..
updates on *DJ Dielyn* later
gotta go finish my 12 facts on the voyager(s) and studying...(well trying to study)
for math
MuCh <3

Friday, March 10, 2006

yay.. no more testing

its 11th period.. on friday and like less than 2 hrs ago we finished the terra novas and the pre-HSPA... woopiddooo
im gunna go play sum games on
have a outragously funky weekend!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

the nameless sleepyhead...

so today is monday, and yesterday was sunday..(obviously..).. so anyway... sat night, my parentals went out with sum amily members to the racetrack...(something they never do..)
they ended up coming home realllyyy late ...(well for them anyway)
so they came home late and then on sunday mornings we usually go to church at like 8 in the mornin....
so i wake up and its 11:30 in the morning and we havent gone to church yet.. so the day already started out weird..
we go to church
i see tons of people that are too lazy to get up earlier...(yea and most are my friends..hey guys..)
i ended up talkin to my bestes friend for a lil while and then me, my mom, and my sister went back home and went with my dad to the homdel commons thingy..
(cuz my dad wanted to go into Peir* 1) (for sum on sale "wicker")
so we walked around for a ll while and then when we got back into the car, none of us wanted to go back home yet bc it was still really early, so we took a vote on where to go..
down the road there was a Wendy's and my family likes Wendy's why not just go to Wendys
so we go
and the biggest topic was dogs
we saw that there was a puppy place on the way to the wendys so on our way home we desicded to go in..(although my mom wasnt too keen*"or however you spell it")
so we go in and as we get to the end of the cages we see this little boxer (brownish) and hes trying to curl up and he cant bc hes all mushed together in this very odd way
so my dad finally tells the lady to get him...(the dog) so we could see him..
so we go into the seperate cubical where you can play with the puppies
andneedless to say
hes sitting in our kitchen this very moment..
he is 9 weeks old.. brown smushed face... and the cutest thing you'll ever see
(danielle says we should name it "hokey")
so anyway
if you have any names or idea feel free to comment me or whatever you feel like doing
I HAVE A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

no lovin..

argh.. im in microsoft.. again...
and yea... well the kid that i thought was kinda cute.. well.. yea hes got a girl..
and the loser.. i went out with is now in my gym class.
just my luck..
why the heck cant something good happen and why the heck DONT YOU PEOPLE COMMENT ME!!!!
dont just read the blog.. comment it
do something
dont just sit around looking at peoples blogs

Monday, February 27, 2006


Can't buy me love, love
Can't buy me love
I'll buy you a diamond ring my friend if it makes you feel alright
I'll get you anything my friend if it makes you feel alright
'cause I don't care too much for money, and money can't buy me love
I'll give you all I got to give if you say you'll love me too
I may not have a lot to give but what I got I'll give to youI don't care too much for money, money can't buy me loveCan't buy me love, everybody tells me soCan't buy me love, no no no, noSay you don't need no diamond ring and I'll be satisfiedTell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buyI don't care too much for money, money can't buy me loveOwww!Can't buy me love, everybody tells me soCan't buy me love, no no no, noSay you don't need no diamond ring and I'll be satisfiedTell me that you want the kind of thing that money just can't buyI don't care too much for money, money can't buy me loveCan't buy me love, loveCan't buy me love

Sunday, February 26, 2006

bored.. even worse

ahh... so hows life...
ok so todays sunday... and at 300, i went to dinas house
ahh love her
lol. so anyway, we hung out at her house, watched the longest yard, and talked about "class of 2005"
then we went to the chinese buffet in hazlet
soo much fun...!!!
then we went to costco for a lil while to get sumthin for her dad or something like that
so then we go back to her house and watch more of the movie.. i was mostly watching her kitty cat though because i missed working at the kennel and i miss having a pet
(and how soft and cuddly it was)
so anyway.. my mom picked me up and now im here
but yea anyway i had such a good time with dina and i miss last year
cuz we were so ditzy together
ok im gunna go finish watchin the movie ive been watchin so yea.. see you when i see you <3

Monday, February 13, 2006

well now..isnt that some craziness..

hey there.. ok.. so, right now.. its monday february 13, 2006.. 7:57 PM
today was a snow day
tomorrow is valentines day
the day after is *wednesday*
what a waste of a snow day..
so today i got up, walked right into my study (room with computer/TV/couch), and sat down, because i had yet finish my project that was due that day..(well since i had no school, had to finish for the next day....)
anyway, my mom and sister were trying to get the info INTO my head.. (which wasnt working quite well)
and so yea.. i spent the whole day trying to finish this stupid ray bradbury project.. argh
so yea... valentines day used to be soooo much fun in like elementary school, but once you hit adolesence*, it goes straight downhill..if you watch.. girls want more than a "stupid" valentines card, or lollipops... or ya noe, those little thingys we handed oput to every person in our class in K-5 much easier
now, a guy will be alll like crazied if just sum random chick gives out cards.. and girls think its ludacris* to see a guy give out chocolates top every girl in his class.. (well i doubt youd ever see sum guy do that anyway)
but if it did happen.. people..or should i say.. "teens" would either make fun or that person, or well yea.. pretty much make fun of that person...
what harm would it do?
i just wish things would be back to the way they were... nice, cute, fun, worry free lives
you wouldnt have to worry about potheads, or anything else we worry about in Middle schooll and HS...
i hate it
no 25 minute lunches... no "periods.. nothing hard, or confusing..
we had recess..
long luches
fun gyms
easy spelling bees
and cute, fun, valentines day
ugh.. now im depressed

Friday, February 10, 2006

owww...period: 11

ehh. my tummy hurts...
hey nickle pickle.. read yr comments.. lol
i gotta figure out what im doin tonite

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

not cool..

ok so im in microsoft office... again.. and i get danielles stuff.. and shes not here!
not cool danielle :-(
so, we had sum guidence counslor* come in during our english period and she told us about schedualing* for next year..
see, i want to take Auto with foxy woxy but i mean, what are the chances of me n her getting in the same class.. i mean, id even know i noe enough to be in that class
i mean, i dont need to look like an even bigger loser than i already am...
so yea, right after history, i went up to foxy woxy to ask her if shes still doin it (taking auto)
and she said yea.. but then behind me.. i hear this familiar voice.. and (BTW... i dont enjoy hearing this voice)
so i hear this voice and it says, " oh so your taking Auto too?"
ughh... Dan.. (ew...)
oh mann.. so i then found out that hes taking auto, and i mean, with my luck, ill end up getting in the same class with him and not foxy woxy..
JUST MY LUCK...... :-(
so i dont even noe if i can take the class, bc my dad didnt even want me taking ROTC, so why would he want me taking auto?...
i still dont get why, (even though, my sister tried to explain it to me.. i dont get why...)
so. hmm.. what else is going on.
i got a B+ on my woodshop midterm..a A+ as the Marking period...
i got a B+ on my English midterm and a A+ (i think) as the marking period grade..
i got a .. i forget on my italian.. but it was good..
so so far its good. but i have ... math, science, history, and microsoft left
i dont think i did good on any of those.. but hopefully i passed..HOPEFULLy
well i still have like 20 minutes left until the bell rings... so i just have the rest of this class then italian, and then im done
theres this dance party thing (valentines) for the school, and they are trying to raise money for our prom..( oh gosh.. we need a stupid dance party in order to have a prom... how lame is that)
but anyway
maureen wants to go.. but i want to go to the last hockey game.. she doesnt like hockey.. but i think its cool
and if i knew how to skate id totally want to be on the team
but idk how to.. well.. i do, im just horrible at it...
wow this is the longest ive typed.. lol
yea.. so my class doesnt noe how to shut their mouths.. and my teach is threataning* to shut off the power
hmm.. what else is going on.
i have hw again
like usual
LOSt is on.. idk why i watch that show.. but i do..
hmmm.. and i have to watch NCIS tonite.. or when i get home, bc my madre taped it for me so i could watch it.
what else,
i love my belt buckle.. ohh mann.. i love it soooo much
i just wish it was bigger...
its a 1979 Corvette... i <3 those things.. lol
i think the best years are from.... 64 to 81.. those are the hottest
or a bat-mobile... not the new one that was in that new batman movie, but the old one... with all the curves .. ohhh i want it
hmmm.. and if ur sooo totally cool, buy my sister the new <3
and she wants a dog.. dont even make me spell it cuz i cant spell it..
bbl.. the teach is mad again<3

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

ahh... this is like addicting..

ok so i did this thing.. period 4/5.. like i said b4.. anddd.. now its period: 11.. and im doin it again
i see a bad pattern.. lol i hate boys, and i hate school, and i hate how guys think they can
control everything..
hi danielle!!!
so yes.. my sister blogged about me when i drank that energy thing in the morning and then called her later that day.. (adrenaline rush).. and now im telling you.. lol.. idk why.. but im bored and im ahead in this class.. so i have nothing to do..(plus, b/c they blocked myspace)
so anyway, i forget which day it was.. but i had a mid-term.. and i had... english and history.. well acually history then english.. so anyway.. b4 class me n a few buddies.. were walkin around the halls and..WOOPS ... periods over....
muah moose

oooh gosh

ahh.. its only like period 4-5 and im already sicka school
well acually i was sick of it.. like the first week..
anyway... i got a A+ for my english Marking Period.... B+ for the english midterm...
A- for the Italian midterm.. and...uh.. i think like A for the marking period..
adios muchasas

Monday, February 06, 2006


at the library with my jose
doing this ray bradbury thing trying to et it done bc the madre wants it finito..


ew i officailly hate school, teachers, and the weather
ill explain more when i have a chance

Friday, February 03, 2006

The sisterhood of traveling SOcKs...

ahh long story..
maureens over.. we're watching sisterhood of traveling pants..
in a lil while we're going to the movies to see that nannie movie.. i think its nannie mcfee*
then at 7 to 11.. were goin to joses hizzouse
*remind me to bring napoleon*
busy night
Two posts in 4 hrs.. haha
comment me.<3
haha danielle.. i ended up doin another b4 12.. haha

theres always a first time for everything

I'm in microsoft(Sweet, and i just finished taking the mid-term.. finally..i have italian next ..
<----she sits there<------ (tehe)
and we've decided to make blogs.. cuz we're sooo totally cool like that<3
ill say more later..
and what ever you do..
love napoleon for who he is.. not the way he looks..
(idk where that came from)
adios.. losers

visit me: