Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ahh...the wonders of school

im in microsoft.. and im sitting here bc i have gottan my work done b4 the end of class..(again)
and im just thinking about everything thats going on..
i hate school.. and i want to go home but i dont want to bc i noe im probably justy gunna get into an arguement with the madre..
what fun that is.
this time its no tv for a week.. (again)
so dylan weighs 24 lbs. now and hes getting big.
idk want him to get bigger bc then i cant pick him up..
i like being able to pick him up
but he seriously needs to stop teething..
my sisters bday is in 3 DAYS!!
shes gunna be 21 and then shes gunna be able to drinlk
and i cant
especailly when we go to virginia for 4th of july.. all my cousins are older then me and shes going to be drinking also..
ill be the only one who cant drink .. well except for Brian.. (who just turned 2..(so im not counting him)
yes so thanks nicole..
and happy birthday
(her bloggy thingy is:
comment her or something saying happy b day on saturday..
i <3>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey joey!!! write aboiut our good times on friday lol..lylas
<3 jose