Monday, November 24, 2008

shut up and let me go.

no really, dont.
i could never handle it. Ok so this is odd. i havent done this in a while. all the other blogs are completely stupid cuz i have no life, so this blog is alll about my best friend. Cuz she means teh world to me. Her name is maureen. we met in kindegartennn and weve been best friends since. We're different in many ways, but get along as though we were one whole. She completes me. im a senior in high school and i really cannot bear to think about us being seperated next year. (ya know.. the whole us being different thing) We have two totally different ideas of what we want our careers to be, and its hard. i cant function without this girl. We cant stay in fights for more than a day. ever. its happened. I feel like i love her more than she loves me sometimes, but then i see she really does love me the same. and yes, we love each other. dearly. i would do anything for her. What do you consider the definition of love?


noun, verb, loved, lov⋅ing. –noun

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. to need or require; benefit greatly from.

Exactly. Well put, dont even have words to describe this girl. We can do anything and everything, and it always becomes an adventcha! I cant go very long without talking to her. I'm so very attatched to her, and at times like this, i feel its a very bad thing.
She always tells me that if we met this year, id probably hate her. which is quite possibly true. Because we are so different.
I dunno why i feel i should make a post about her, but i need to actually type this shiz out. i have so much bottled up inside me, maybe i should let the good stuff out, and then maybe all the bad stuff wont be so smushed up together.

i love you maureen, with all my heart. you make me happy.

est. kindi