Tuesday, February 07, 2006

ahh... this is like addicting..

ok so i did this thing.. period 4/5.. like i said b4.. anddd.. now its period: 11.. and im doin it again
i see a bad pattern.. lol i hate boys, and i hate school, and i hate how guys think they can
control everything..
hi danielle!!!
so yes.. my sister blogged about me when i drank that energy thing in the morning and then called her later that day.. (adrenaline rush).. and now im telling you.. lol.. idk why.. but im bored and im ahead in this class.. so i have nothing to do..(plus, b/c they blocked myspace)
so anyway, i forget which day it was.. but i had a mid-term.. and i had... english and history.. well acually history then english.. so anyway.. b4 class me n a few buddies.. were walkin around the halls and..WOOPS ... periods over.... ttyl..lol
muah moose

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