Monday, February 13, 2006

well now..isnt that some craziness..

hey there.. ok.. so, right now.. its monday february 13, 2006.. 7:57 PM
today was a snow day
tomorrow is valentines day
the day after is *wednesday*
what a waste of a snow day..
so today i got up, walked right into my study (room with computer/TV/couch), and sat down, because i had yet finish my project that was due that day..(well since i had no school, had to finish for the next day....)
anyway, my mom and sister were trying to get the info INTO my head.. (which wasnt working quite well)
and so yea.. i spent the whole day trying to finish this stupid ray bradbury project.. argh
so yea... valentines day used to be soooo much fun in like elementary school, but once you hit adolesence*, it goes straight downhill..if you watch.. girls want more than a "stupid" valentines card, or lollipops... or ya noe, those little thingys we handed oput to every person in our class in K-5 much easier
now, a guy will be alll like crazied if just sum random chick gives out cards.. and girls think its ludacris* to see a guy give out chocolates top every girl in his class.. (well i doubt youd ever see sum guy do that anyway)
but if it did happen.. people..or should i say.. "teens" would either make fun or that person, or well yea.. pretty much make fun of that person...
what harm would it do?
i just wish things would be back to the way they were... nice, cute, fun, worry free lives
you wouldnt have to worry about potheads, or anything else we worry about in Middle schooll and HS...
i hate it
no 25 minute lunches... no "periods.. nothing hard, or confusing..
we had recess..
long luches
fun gyms
easy spelling bees
and cute, fun, valentines day
ugh.. now im depressed

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