Friday, April 21, 2006

ahh living life so safe, it kills you..

so yesterday i stayed home because i had severe cramps... yes yes.. get over it...
anyway.. so i stayed home, which, BTW, i rarely ever do .. acually that was the first the whole year/...
(arent i a good little girll....)
AnYwAy... sooo
i stayed home and of course the madre had to call in and say i was sick..
she called and said that i was sick and the lady on the other line says, "is she really sick??"
isnt that a little weird for the attendance lady top ask that question?
what was my mom gunna say?...
"uh no im just lying.. shes acually smoking some pot right now in our attic... you can come join us if you want.."
yea ok loser..
then while i was drifting off to sleep.. i remebered that one of the "stupid" kids in my math class mentioned that that day was , "National Pot Day"
oh my god.. how lame is that
anyway i wondered if that was the reason the lady asked my mom that then i told my mom... and i was like.. yea they said that if anyone stays home that day, they'll haveto get drug-tested....
i wasx like..." ma, im not getting drug tested!"
so i made her write a note just incase anyone did call me down to the nurse..
(just to be safe)
im not one to pee in a cup.. sorry.. its just not my thing...
anyway.. nothing happened.. im sitting here typing this.. drug-free ...and drug-tested free
i hate high school

1 comment:

::puppyface::. said...

You're a fruitcake.