Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ranting a few years too early?

So for some reason it's become the new "thing" to have your wedding on the tv or discussed in a magazine or public in some sor of way. There has been a noticeable amount of celebrities who are tying the knot and showing it all on the tv. Of course I realize that there is always money involved when something is shown on the networks but I've noticed that more and more people are broadcasting something that in my opinion is quite personal. I've been to a few weddings in my time and every one of them is slightly different. Is that normal? I always thought that if it was a traditional wedding it was..traditional. I understand the bride and groom can have it however they want to because it's their day but what exactly makes it "traditional"? And how much can you change it before its not traditional anymore?
I decided to Google traditional weddings and see what I found and I stumbled upon the Wedding Expense Breakdown:
How insane is that? Is that actually how it used to be? And if so, does anyone still do it that way? I would feel so bad if the parents on both sides had to pay and my husband to be and I did not. Maybe the fact that I'm young and I was born into a world where people are way more independent but I always felt like weddings were something that two people celebrated and shared with their family and friends. Not something that the family threw for the two lovebirds. I see how in a way it makes sense because the two people getting married and are just starting their lives so they don't have that much money to spend on a wedding and other things but to completely split the bill of everything between the two pairs of parents is absurd to me. I can see the parents "helping out", but absolutely not paying for the whole thing. Crazy talk.
Am I the only one that feels this way? Am I just lost in my own mind when it comes to these things?
Who knows. All I know is that I want a semi traditional wedding. I say semi because I'd like to take out the pointless traditions. For example, when the bride throws the bouquet, any sort of little thing like that. I'm not a fan. Also the STUPID games that the women play at the bridal shower. That's a whole other long chat..
When discussing the Bridal shower that is probably the one thing I will not be traditionally doing prior to my wedding. It always bothered me when I was little and had to sit through the bride opening all the gifts she received and watching my mom and her family play the ridiculous games that ask questions about either the bride or celebrity brides or whatever the case may be.
None of that will happen at my bridal Shower. It probably won't even be called a Bridal Shower. You know why? Because I won't be the only one using the gifts that I receive. My husband will be there with me, sitting next to me, opening gifts and everything. Its not like he'll be bored. It will be gifts that we registered for together. Everyone will be there. The groomsmen, the bridesmaids, the parents, the grandparents. It'll be kinda like the engagement party (if there is one). One. Big. Party.
Everyone should have an awesome time with everyone. And if you don't want to go you don't have to.
I don't know if it is this way in your family, but if someone didn't show up to someone's shower/wedding or doesn't want to or whatever it is, they flip. It's like a sin. Hey, if you don't want to come to my party/wedding it's not a problem at all. It's less money to spend on my part, and you are less miserable. I want to be able to celebrate my wedding and be happy with people that will be happy for me and enjoy themselves. Right? I think that makes sense.

Now this may seem odd that I'm talking about weddings and such but blame it on the TV! It's so in your face all the time, with the "Every kiss begins with Kayyyyy" and the wedding shows, the wedding dress shows, the Bridezilla shows, just everything! It's constantly in your face and me being a girl, I notice it all. It makes me think about my future and how I want to have it all work out. I feel like that's pretty reasonable.

And hey, the more I figure out now, the less I have to worry about later... right?...

Buonanotte Bella